
Channeling with spiritual guides refers to the process of  communicateing with spiritual entities, guides, angels,   ascended masters, beings of light, or any other form of superior consciousness or energy.

This session allows us to communicate with these beings of light. By coming into contact with the angels, you receive spiritual guidance in the areas of life that worry or block the person and prevent them from fully enjoying themselves.
The consultation consists of coming into contact with these wonderful and loving beings of light, through meditation, there is also healing in which the beings of light send rays of light and love so that the person can forgive, heal and release situations or emotions that have been blocked in your life and access to enjoy greater prosperity and meaning in life.

Results: clarity and guidance, finding purpose, emotional healing, spiritual growth, connection to the Higher Self, validation of spiritual experiences, development of psychic abilities, peace and tranquility, and guidance from our spiritual teachers.

The process consists of  3 stages:

1. Contact with the inner divinity: The channeler connects with a state of serenity in which he enhances his inner ability. A meditation is performed to invoke spiritual guides.

2. Channeling: Through the method chosen by the channeler, a conversation is maintained with the entities present. The reason for the consultation is mentioned. In this stage the beings or guides provide us with guidance along the way. And, probably, a solution to the problem or query raised.

3. Return of information: In this stage the information obtained is processed to return it in the form of a response to the consultant. Sometimes, it will be asked to repeat phrases to reprogram the subconscious.

Who is it recommended to?
Spiritual Channeling is a recommended technique for those people who are going through moments of confusion. Which want to obtain a guide on a specific situation.



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Evolutionary Oracle Tarot Reading

The concept of evolutionary tarot represents a profound shift in how we perceive and utilize tarot cards. It transcends traditional notions of fortune-telling and divination, instead emphasizing tarot as a dynamic tool for personal growth and transformation.

Through the lens of evolutionary tarot, the focus shifts towards fostering personal development, inner exploration, and spiritual expansion. It invites practitioners to engage with the cards as mirrors of the soul, reflecting back insights and lessons that guide one's journey towards self-awareness and empowerment.

At the heart of evolutionary tarot is the goal of facilitating self-knowledge, empowerment, and conscious decision-making.

Rather than viewing the cards as predictors of the future, practitioners approach them as catalysts for deep introspection and intuitive guidance. By tapping into the rich symbolism and archetypal energies of the tarot, individuals are encouraged to access their inner wisdom and intuition, using the cards as a tool to navigate life's challenges with clarity and insight.Evolutionary tarot invites us to embark on a transformative journey of self-discovery, where each card becomes a stepping stone towards greater self-awareness and spiritual evolution.

In embracing the path of evolutionary tarot, individuals embark on a journey of profound self-discovery and personal empowerment. Through the process of working with the cards, practitioners not only gain valuable insights into their innermost desires, fears, and aspirations but also cultivate a deeper connection with their intuition and higher self. This holistic approach to tarot encourages mindfulness, self-reflection, and conscious living, empowering individuals to make decisions aligned with their authentic truth and spiritual growth. As one delves deeper into the transformative wisdom of evolutionary tarot, they unlock the potential for profound shifts in perspective, healing, and a more profound sense of purpose and fulfillment in life.



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Akashic Record and Past Life Reading

Embark on a profound journey of self-discovery and spiritual guidance through the transformative practice of Spiritual Channeling with Nadia. In this unique therapy session, Nadia harnesses the wisdom of your Spiritual Guides to unveil specific details of your past lives, offering invaluable insights into the patterns and experiences shaping your present reality. Through a series of sacred rituals and guided meditations, Nadia facilitates a deep connection with your higher self, creating a sacred space for healing, clarity, and transformation to unfold.

The process unfolds in five stages, beginning with reading and signing permission to access your Akashic records, followed by a prayer of gratitude and guided meditation to establish a connection with your Spiritual Guides. 

An opening prayer sets the stage for accessing your records, where information is received and processed through your questions, often accompanied by visualizations or healing processes guided by your Soul and Spiritual Guides. The session concludes with a closing prayer, expressing gratitude for the profound insights and guidance received. Spiritual Channeling is recommended for individuals seeking clarity, guidance, and support during moments of confusion or when navigating specific life situations, offering a powerful pathway to deep inner healing and spiritual growth.

As the session draws to a close, you will emerge with a newfound sense of clarity, understanding, and empowerment. The insights gleaned from your Akashic records and the guidance of your Spiritual Guides serve as a beacon of light, illuminating your path forward with wisdom and purpose. Whether you seek resolution to conflictive situations, release from phobias, or healing from past traumas, the transformative journey of Spiritual Channeling with Nadia offers a sacred space for profound healing, inner peace, and spiritual awakening. Embark on this soul-nurturing experience and discover the infinite possibilities that await as you align with your true essence and divine purpose.



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Pets Communication Channeling

Embark on a profound journey of understanding and connection with your beloved pet through this holistic service . Nadia specializes in communicating with animals on a deep energetic level, providing insights and clarity into your pet's thoughts, emotions, and needs. Through the art of channeling, our experts establish a telepathic link with your pet, allowing for meaningful dialogue and a deeper understanding of their unique personality and behaviors.

During a session, we create a sacred space for communication, using intuitive abilities and energy work to bridge the gap between human and animal consciousness. Whether you're seeking answers to behavioral issues, insights into your pet's health and well-being, or simply wish to strengthen the bond between you and your furry companion, our holistic channeling service offers a transformative experience of connection and mutual understanding.

Through gentle guidance and compassionate communication, our holistic experts facilitate a two-way dialogue that honors the wisdom and essence of your pet. By tapping into the subtle energies and intuitive messages exchanged during channeling sessions, pet owners gain valuable insights and practical guidance for supporting their pet's physical, emotional, and spiritual needs. Experience the profound connection and harmony that comes from understanding your pet's communication on a deeper level with our holistic channeling service.

As the session concludes, you will feel a deeper sense of connection and harmony with your furry friend, enriched by the insights and understanding gained through holistic channeling. This transformative experience not only fosters a stronger bond between you and your pet but also empowers you to provide the loving care and support they deserve. Embrace the magic of holistic communication and embark on a journey of mutual respect, trust, and profound connection with your beloved companion.



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Unlocking, Alignment and  Chakra Activation

Experience a profound shift in your energy and well-being with our activation sessions designed to elevate your vibration frequency and enhance overall health. Through a combination of breathing techniques, guided meditations, and energetic connections, our sessions facilitate a deep sense of relaxation, reducing stress levels and promoting a positive mood. As we call upon the presence of angels and ascended masters, you'll feel supported and guided in your journey towards higher vibrational states.

Each activation session is tailored to address specific chakras that may need unlocking and activation. Mantras and affirmations are incorporated to align and balance these energy centers, promoting harmony and vitality. Utilizing the power of crystals, sound therapy, and other healing modalities, we ensure that each client receives the personalized care and attention needed to support their unique healing journey.

The transformative effects of our activation sessions extend beyond the physical realm, fostering a deeper connection with your spiritual essence and inner wisdom. By aligning your energy centers and raising your vibration, you'll experience a renewed sense of clarity, purpose, and empowerment. Whether you seek relief from physical ailments, emotional imbalances, or simply wish to enhance your overall well-being, our activation sessions offer a holistic approach to healing and transformation.

Embrace the opportunity to unlock your full potential and radiate with vibrant health, positivity, and vitality. Our activation sessions provide a sacred space for inner growth, healing, and self-discovery, guiding you towards a life of balance, harmony, and abundant energy.



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